Tanzanite is one of the precious gems and a great example of a trichoric gemstone which means it has the ability to showcase three different colors when you see it from diverse angles. This makes the tanzanites the most alluring gem & this way you can identify the authenticity of this beautiful gemstone.
Understanding Tanzanite Gemstone
As mentioned above, the Tanzanite gemstone is the one that has a pretty inky blue shade but if you see it from diverse angles then it can display multiple colors of both red & violet, like a trichoric gemstone. So if you want to confirm the authenticity of the tanzanite gem then you can do it by just noticing them from different angles. When you see the tanzanites from different angles then you might be able to recognize the difference between real and fake ones.
One more important thing that you should keep in mind is the room lighting as it affects the color of the gemstone. In the bright white fluorescent lightning, the tanzanite gem will look more like a dark royal blue. And in Warmer & softer light it usually makes the purple & reddish-toned areas of the gemstone more noticeable.
As per various experts, it is said that when the diamond is illuminated by yellow light, a "red flash" is seen every time they look at it. And in the case of real tanzanites if the shade of your gem stays the same regardless of the lighting & you don't see any other colours then blue or you only notice two shades. Then you should purchase genuine tanzanite gemstones from Chordia Jewels as we offer authentic tanzanite jewellery like tanzanite rings, tanzanite earrings, and tanzanite pendants.
How To Identify If a Tanzanite Is Real Or Not?
For a better understanding of identifying real or fake tanzanites, let’s delve into simple points that you should keep in mind:
For proper identification of Tanzanite Gem, look at the gemstone from different angles as it is the best method to verify the authenticity of the gem. Tanzanite gem is most likely real if you notice subtle colour variations on various sides of the gemstone where one side might look more blue or purple than the other side.
The trichroic feature of this gem causes its colour to change when it is exposed to various kinds of light. So check the tanzanite in natural light & then under dazzling light this way you can verify its authenticity. Tanzanites that are genuine often display a blue shade with a purple hint when it is exposed to natural light.
We know very well that tanzanite gems are doubly refractive. To examine the stone you can use a dichroscope as it will help you in the confirmation. Two windows ought to appear while doing the same. If the hue of each window is not the same then your gemstone is most likely real & double refractive.
Before buying this precious & rare tanzanite make sure that you buy it from a reputable jeweller like Chordia Jewels. Along with that, below we have shared a guide that will help you find a reputable jeweller for the purchase of real tanzanite:
Before buying this rare gemstone jewellery, make sure to check its reviews & ratings as it can help you to a great extent. Chordia Jewels has a good reputation as it is known well for selling quality gemstones including tanzanite.
Before buying this gemstone, you can check its authenticity by checking its Certificate of Authenticity which is a document that states the features of the gemstone. With Chordia Jewels, you can have a tanzanite gem with an Ethical Compliance Certificate that will let you know that the gemstone was mined ethically. Chordia Jewels is the one-stop destination that offers these certificates before you decide to make a purchase.
A tanzanite gem is authentic if it is and Chordia Jewels are that one that offers only the finest quality tanzanite which is used in the creation of beautiful jewellery pieces.
When looking for real tanzanites jewellery, you might face some difficulties in differentiating the real gemstones from fake ones. We advise visiting a professional jeweller like Chordia Jewels if you're confused about fake or real tanzanites as we can identify fake ones with 100% accuracy.