Best June Birthstone Jewelry: Moonstone Jewelry

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Best June Birthstone Jewelry

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June Birthstone

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June Birthstone- Moonstone

Folks born in the summery month of June are spoilt for choices because there are three distinctly different birthday stones that they can call of their own. You can choose the stunning varieties of June Birthstone. Moonstone is a well-known gem of the feldspar group of minerals, Moonstone has a pearly translucent glow to them like a moon, and hence they take their name. Apart from being colorless, these also occur in pink and orange. It is believed that the rarest Moonstone illuminates a soft blue glow.

Moonstone June Birthstone: Astrological Purpose

Believed to be the talisman for travelers, Moonstone brings big fortune to the wearer and helps businessmen grow their business to make additional profits. It is also associated with love, and the wearer experiences the magic of marital bliss in the relationship.

Healing Benefits of June Birthstone

  • Touted as the “ stone of new beginning”, Moonstone is to enhance your inner strength. It also aids in the assimilation of nutrients, improves the digestive system, and balances the female hormonal cycles.
  • The Moonstone Gemstone is rich with psychic abilities and a great connector to the Chakras. The Moonstone connects beautifully with the Heart Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra and the Crown Chakra, the Two Chakras that invites us to look deep within so that we can see far beyond the confines of our own periphery

Moonstone Birthstone Jewelry: Rings, Earrings, Pendant Necklace

Moonstones stand out for their sheen and eye-catching element and are commonly combined with other glittering stones. The cabochon cut is the most preferred one, as it shows its natural optical phenomenon of radiating floating, billowy blue light as the moonstone is turned under the light. Moonstone Rings make a stunning alternative for those non-conventional couples who want something other than the traditional diamond ring to profess their love. You can pick up the best piece of jewelry from here. Check out the Moonstone Earrings, Pendant Necklace, Bracelets, and Rings Collection at affordable prices. 

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